Friday, February 20, 2009

I'm not dead yet...

Please forgive the Monty Python quote - I'm going a little stir crazy from all the snow. It's been three days without stopping, and they say it will last until Monday. Gotta love the Northeast, right?

Anyways, I realized that I haven't updated in quite some time, so for those few of you who still check back here - here's what we're up to!

  • T and I are working on getting pre-approved for a house loan. It should just be a little longer till we qualify! It isn't urgent, by any means, but it would be less expensive than renting (and we wouldn't have to deal with a landlord anymore!)
  • Gaffney graduated from Advanced obedience, and was voted most improved. We decided to put her through the class again, to work on her socialization, but I get the feeling that this session won't be as productive as the last one was.
  • After graduation, the dog managed to get an E.Coli UTI. She is now on antibiotics...for three weeks. As if that weren't bad enough, T can't touch them because they are Amoxicillin! So I get to give pup pills twice a day for the next 21 days.
  • I love "coincidences." (Don't really think they are coincidence, but you know what I mean!) Pretty much every time I start to get frustrated and upset, something happens to make me feel better! For example, I was having a rough day at work today...and then got a message from someone I had written an article about saying that he and his family would "be praying for [my] continued success." How can that not make you smile?

So that's the last week in a nutshell. Most of it, anyway. I'm not sharing the rest until next week!